Fiscal Year 2025 Grants will be due April 11, 2024

Grant Recipients for Fiscal Year 2024

Awarded by the Board of Directors of the Charles County Charitable Trust Total Funds Awarded: $879,500

Accessibility Bridge Corporation
Grant Award:  $30,000
Purpose: Educational Equity Program to provide educational resources, assistive technology, and training for students with autism or intellectual disabilities.

Bay Community Support Services
Grant Award:  $15,000
Purpose: Provide repairs and updates at residential group homes for people with disabilities.

Beyond the Classroom Inc.
Grant Award:  $10,000
Purpose: No-cost educational student programs supporting underserved youth during out-of-school time, parent workshops, and school supplies.

Boys and Girls Club of Southern Maryland
Grant Award:  $10,000
Purpose: Providing a safe social environment for Charles County youth through after-school and summer programs.

Camp St. Charles, Inc.
Grant Award:  $15,000
Purpose: Provide summer camp opportunities for Charles County residents

Catholic Charities
Grant Award:  $40,000
Purpose: Operations support for those experiencing homelessness at Angels Watch emergency shelter.

Center for Children, Inc.
Grant Award:  $40,000
Purpose: Supporting a child psychiatrist position to provide mental health services to uninsured children.

Charles County Arts Alliance
Grant Award:  $7,000
Purpose: Enhancement and expansion of arts programs for children and adults in Charles County.

Charles County Children’s Aid Society
Grant Award:  $19,500
Purpose: Support for families facing financial hardship by providing school supplies and holiday gifts.

Charles County Fair, Inc.
Grant Award:  $20,000
Purpose: Building repairs at Charles County Fairgrounds to support a multitude of community events.

Charles County HARC, Inc.
Grant Award:  $6,000
Purpose: Providing specialized Summer Camp activities and medical & dental supplies to support people with disabilities.

Charles County Literacy Council
Grant Award:  $2,000
Purpose: Operational costs to support adult literacy tutoring program.

Charles County Meals on Wheels
Grant Award:  $20,000
Purpose: Staffing support to continue providing nutritious meals to Charles County seniors in need.

Charles County Youth Orchestra

Grant Award:  $7,000   

Purpose: High quality musical education experience for Charles County students.

Charles Regional Medical Center, Inc.
Grant Award:  $16,000
Purpose: Providing free transportation for eligible patients from Charles County from the hospital to home or post-hospitalization medical appointments.

Chesapeake Choral Arts Society

Grant Award:  $2,500

Purpose: Operations support for providing performance opportunities for instrumentalists and vocalists.

Christ Church Port Tobacco
Grant Award:  $15,000
Purpose: Expansion of “Plentiful Pantry” program to offer healthier food options to those in need.

Christmas in April/Rebuilding Charles County
Grant Award:  $15,000
Purpose: Materials to provide home modifications and repairs to people in need.

College of Southern Maryland Foundation

Grant Award:  $4,000

Purpose: Providing marketable career skills to residents through no cost access to Makerspace 3D modeling and other STEM training.

Community Crisis & Referral Center dba Center for Abused Persons
Grant Award:  $40,000
Purpose: Operation expenses for the 24-Hour Crisis Hotline.

Conservancy for Charles County, Inc.
Grant Award: $1,500
Purpose: Operations support for preservation of Charles County’s scenic, agricultural, and historic land.

Dream Queen Foundation, Inc.
Grant Award:  $10,000
Purpose: Funding for supplies and food in the expansion of the Gals Lead youth mentorship program.

Elite Registry of Working Dogs
Grant Award:  $10,000
Purpose: Supplies and operation expenses to train highly specialized service dogs.

Friends of Smallwood State Park, Inc.
Grant Award:  $4,000
Purpose: Colonial Herb Garden Fence Replacement.

Good Shepard United Methodist Church of St. Charles
Grant Award$5,905
Purpose: Replacement of shelving, door, and flooring for space that houses food pantry and additional supplies.

Health Partners Inc
Grant Award$40,000
Purpose: Operations support and supplies to provide primary and dental care to citizens in need.

Hospice of the Chesapeake Foundation
Grant Award$20,000
Purpose: Program funding for Grief and Bereavement services for citizens experiencing the loss of a loved one.

Ivy & Pearls of Southern Maryland
Grant Award:  $9,000
Purpose: Weekend food backpacks for underserved youth through Charles County Public Schools.


Grant Award$18,000

Purpose: Provide summer camp, parent workshops, and club activities for youth.

Leadership Southern Maryland, Inc.

Grant Award:  $2,500

Purpose: Scholarship for a nonprofit leader to attend the Expand Leadership Program.

LifePoint Wesleyan Church, Inc.
Grant Award$40,000
Purpose: Staffing support for providing transitional living and support for trauma survivors.

LifeStyles of Maryland Foundation
Grant Award:  $19,500
Purpose: Program support for Homeless & Housing Services Department which provides emergency shelter and homeless support.

Maryland Crime Victims’ Resource Center
Grant Award:  $40,000
Purpose: Operations support to provide legal representation to crime victims.

Maryland Diaper Bank
Grant Award:  $25,000
Purpose: Funding for diapers and hygiene essentials for households experiencing hardship.

Maryland Veterans Memorial Museum, Inc.
Grant Award:  $10,000
Purpose: Installation of a fence for the new prisoners of war (POW) memorial.

Melwood Horticultural Training Center, Inc
Grant Award:  $30,000
Purpose: Program support for the Seed-To-Table program working to empower community members to cultivate healthy lifestyles.

New Hope Community Outreach Services
Grant Award:  $5,000
Purpose: Expansion/improvements to Sustainable Garden Project.

Our Place Waldorf
Grant Award:  $30,000
Purpose: Program support for soup kitchen providing meals to residents in need.

Port Tobacco Players
Grant Award:  $10,000
Purpose: Support for theater entertainment, camps, and education for residents of all ages.

Potomac Heights Baptist Church
Grant Award:  $9,095
Purpose: Start up support to distribute pregnancy tests, diapers, wipes, formula and more to women and children in need on the western side of Charles County.

Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing, Inc.
Grant Award:  $5,000
Purpose: Equipment and operations support for fly fishing program serving disabled veterans and active-duty military members.

Promise Landing Farm, Inc.
Grant Award:  $6,500
Purpose: Staffing for equine-assisted services for the underserved residents of Charles County.

Pure Play Every Day, Inc.
Grant Award:  $15,000
Purpose: Operations support for programs that bring the benefits of play to underserved people of all ages.

Seeds of Courage, Inc.
Grant Award:  $5,000
Purpose: Supplies to support victims of domestic violence and financial abuse.

Southern Maryland Center for Family Advocacy

Grant Award:  $25,000

Purpose: Staffing to provide court advocacy and legal representation to crime victims.

Southern Maryland Center for Independent Living, Inc.
Grant Award:  $10,000
Purpose: Provide equipment, devices and modifications within homes, workplaces, or schools for people with disabilities.

Spring Dell Center

Grant Award:  $40,000

Purpose: Development of a person-centered employment transition program for graduating high school students with significant disabilities.

Stella’s Girls Inc
Grant Award:  $10,000
Purpose: Support for mentorship & leadership programs to public school students.

The Arc Southern Maryland
Grant Award:  $10,000
Purpose: Support for creation of a “Life Skills Learning Hub,” to teach life skills to people with disabilities.

The Catherine Foundation of Maryland, Inc.
Grant Award:  $19,500
Purpose: Support for online and in person training for childbirth, parenting, and life skills.

The Jude House
Grant Award:  $15,000
Purpose: Operations support for Spiritual Wellness and Family Intervention & Integration programs helping residents returning to the community following incarceration and/or treatment from a substance abuse facility.

The Promise Resource Center, Inc.
Grant Award:  $15,000
Purpose: Staffing a Family Services Interventionalist position to provide intensive family programs to at-risk county residents to improve family functioning.

Upward Thrive Academy, Inc
Grant Award:  $20,000
Purpose: Support for various programs including youth theater, homelessness and in-crisis initiatives, assistance for seniors, and youth fitness.

VIP Mentors Matter, Inc.
Grant Award:  $10,000
Purpose: Funding for 20 Youth Mentorship Grants provided to participants upon completion of mentorship program that teaches career readiness, money management, college prep and more.

Note: Even if regional in scope, nonprofit organizations use grant funds solely for the benefit of Charles County residents.