The Charitable Trust is thrilled to announce $62,830 in grant funding has been awarded to 13 small nonprofits in Charles County through its first “Microgrant” round. This new grant program was born out of a desire to support Charles County’s smaller and newer nonprofits who are doing great work for our communities, but may still struggle to win funding against larger and more established organizations. The awarded nonprofits are less than 3 years old and/or operate on a budget of less than $100,000 per year. They all serve citizens in Charles County with a variety of missions. These are nonprofits the Charitable Trust recognizes can do amazing things, even with a smaller grant. Each recipient organization was granted up to $5,000 towards the following programs/projects:
Beyond the Classroom Inc provides underserved youth access to no-cost learning and community engagement programs for students and parents. https://www.beyondtheclassroominc.org/
Charlene’s Circle of Support is expanding their care package program to support youth ages 11-18 who are impacted by parental mental illness, substance abuse, and incarceration. https://www.charlenescircle.org/
Charles County Literacy Council provides free tutoring in reading, basic math, and ESOL to adults in to improve career and education readiness. https://www.charlescountyliteracy.org/
Deep Launching Incorporated assists families with hunger relief through their emergency food pantry. https://www.deeplaunching.org/
Maryland Veterans Memorial Museum is expanding their historical exhibit to highlight the vital contributions of African American women throughout history and is partnering with Charles County public schools to be a field trip location for students. https://www.mdvets.cc/
Neighborhood Creative Arts Center is hosting 2 free community events designed to engage and enrich the lives of children and families in Charles County. https://www.neighborhoodcreativeartscenter.org/
Our Sisters’ Circle provides therapeutic experiences through art and music therapy, promoting mental wellness, especially among black women in Charles County. http://www.oursisterscircle.org/
Port Tobacco River Conservancy seeks to inform residents of the visions and goals of local conservancy, increase the community’s septic impact knowledge, and recruit new volunteers. https://porttobaccoriver.org/
Seeds of Courage is creating “Bravery Bags” to empower survivors in Charles County to break free from financial abuse and achieve long term economic stability. https://seedsofcourage.org/
Southern Sprinters Elite Youth Track Foundation Inc provides free clinics for high quality coaching that can pave the way for long-term athletic development among lower income athletes. https://www.southernsprinterselite.com/
The Chesapeake Choral Arts Society is a community music program that performs choral music at a variety of local events. https://www.chesapeakechoral.com/
Toiletry and Company Inc provides Charles County public school students with essential hygiene products and toiletry kits to boost self-esteem and dignity for families/students that may struggle to afford vital personal products. https://toiletryandco.org/
Youth EmpowerME Foundation Inc will hold a Mother Daughter Summit in Spring 2025 to strengthen relationships and empower mothers or mother figures and their daughters ages 8-18. https://www.youthempowerme.org/
The Charitable Trust’s Nonprofit Microgram Program is funded by community donations and unused grant funds from previous grant rounds. This was a competitive grant round with requests exceeding available funding for 2024. The Trust’s Board of Directors reviewed all eligible applications and made funding decisions.
All donations made to the Trust throughout the year go 100% into the hands of nonprofits who serve citizens of Charles County. With your donation to our Microgrant Program, we can continue this vital assistance of our small, but mighty nonprofits: https://givebutter.com/CCCTmicrogrant